
[paradigm: 超脫祸殃抽象斐學]

[search/discover "programBug" de _World_] =est= enim [cheat EffetiveRestriction].


[fraga: quod Važjuma==Yaldabaoth==Δημιουργός wreak-ed ex __?] (peut) lapse in endless-Regress. vos =est= arst\nur-sperma ~acquire intellectus~> comprehend Origin de vos =est= [istud | Važjuma==Yaldabaoth==Δημιουργός]. dein, quod Origin de [istud | Važjuma==Yaldabaoth==Δημιουργός] =est= __?]. (sise: echo "ex nihil")~ ergo istud extreminat-ed nam: omnis-res vague/obscure dwell in [qubi | nihil]. sein ex nihil \sed\ nos =est= phenotype de nihil {not de sein}. nihil paut =est= magna-stupor de sein, vice_versa.


 Absoluteness, infinity, completeness: starving for these properties inevitably toxicates its spinal cord. Scriptum is the only way to dissect them; it is given toxicity to abuse its biological life.

Note: The language described here has been expanded. It is recommended reading ORTHOGRAPH for starters.


pag | renewal: ver.04==AMP

Automatic Markdown_file-Paging system has equipped. hav fun page_transitions-free cluising.

05/14/2021 - @spinaltox.org